Clubhouse For Kids
Child Care Center

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Infant & Toddler Program
Clubhouse For Kids provides an environment to meet the individual needs of a child’s developmental stage. The program will offer a warm and nurturing atmosphere with loving and caring providers.
Next to parents, the caregiver is the most important element in learning for infants and toddlers. Teachers will hold, sing, and play with children so they can develop skills in large and small muscle development. We provide safe areas for our non-mobile infants, yet one in which they can still see what is going on around them.
Activities will be given for play as a learning and growth experience. Non-walking children will be given the opportunities each day to move freely by creeping and crawling in a safe, clean, open, warm and uncluttered area. The teacher will also change the child's position and location periodically throughout the day.
Infants and toddlers will be encouraged to play with a variety of safe toys and objects. Outdoor play will be part of each day's activities, except during inclement weather. Children will not be allowed to play outdoors if the temperature is over 90 degrees or the wind chill is less than 20 degrees.
Teachers will help infants and toddlers develop skills in the following areas:
*Large and small muscle development
*Intellectual stimulation
*Creative expression and language

2-5 year old Educational Philosophy
Clubhouse For Kids provides a program that promotes a place for growth and learning. The staff will implement a curriculum that will help children to socialize, respect others, and develop a high self-esteem.
Our program's main objective is to enhance a child's identity in order to develop a positive self-esteem and self-image. Children will have daily opportunities to express themselves by interacting with other children and adults including those who are different from him or her in order to practice acceptance of individual differences.
Teachers will help children feel they are of value through teacher interaction and planned activities. The activities are designed and developed to build self-esteem and positive feelings toward themselves and learning.
To encourage creative expression, children are given opportunities to be original and to make use of equipment and materials in a way not prescribed by others.
Each classroom teacher will provide an environment to meet the children's needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas including physical, social, emotional, and intellectual.
Children are able to select many of their own activities from a variety of learning areas, including dramatic play, blocks, science, math, games and puzzles, books, art and music.
To develop large and small muscle skills, children are given daily opportunities to run, jump, pay outdoors, use pegboards, puzzles, paint, cut, and other similar activities.

4K Program
Clubhouse for Kids is excited to be a partner with the Middleton-Cross Plains School District in offering a 4K Program at our center. The 4K program is available to all four-year-old children who reside in the MCPASD and are 4 years old on or before September 1st of that year. The program is designed on meeting the skills needed for learning, cooperation, and positive social relationships. The 4K offers a morning and afternoon session, Monday-Friday. The morning hours are from 8:50-11:26. The afternoon hours are from 12:09-2:45. Bus transportation available for both morning and afternoon sessions through the Middleton Transportation Center.

Summer Camp Program for School age Children
The summer program is based on safe, creative, and active choices that are directly related to children’s interests. We serve children from age 5 through 10 years in a fun-loving and energetic atmosphere. We focus on acceptance and compassion of others along with an emphasis on personal growth. We implement these goals through active and cooperative games, weekly field trips and new alternative arts and crafts.